Sedated and Elated: Treatment Tactics for Refractory Agitation
Recent litigation against opioid manufacturers and prescribersÑand the uptick in drug overdose cases, behavioral health needs, and access to pain management solutions during the COVID-19 pandemicÑcontinues to present frontline practitioners with daily practice challenges. WhoÕs looking at us in 2021? What are they looking for now? What can be done to minimize the potential of becoming embroiled in a legal battle over your controlled substance prescribing decisions? How does the frontline healthcare practitioner achieve a rational response to various stakeholder mandates involving controlled substances? Of course, frontline practitioners cannot control healthcare access barriers resulting from the controlled substance prescribing and utilization choices of others, but they can control their response to them. Using clinical vignettes and interactive group discussion, this course will examine specific practice challenges involving controlled substance prescribing in 2021 and evaluate viable solutions for improving medical record documentation of decision-making and individualized patient care.