Apocalypse NowÉor Later? Chronic Pain After COVID-19
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 125,000 people in the US with treatable diseases die each year because they do not take their medication as prescribed. The WHO also reports that 10% to 25% of hospital and nursing home admissions result from patient noncompliance. Adherence rates for behavioral change related to obesity, substance abuse, smoking cessation, and chronic pain have shown similar relapse rates following completion of treatment. Providers can formulate specific procedures for improving patient participation, such as anticipating nonadherence, considering the prescribed self-care curative measures from the patient's perspective, improving the patient-provider relationship, customizing treatment, enlisting family support, and making use of other healthcare providers. This presentation will define compliance, adherence, and relapse, and will offer providers evidence-based strategies, such as building the therapeutic relationship, motivational interviewing, and health coaching interventions, to help maintain long term gains in their pain management care.