Walking the Line: Opioid Dose De-escalation
Walking the Tightrope: Pain, Addiction, and Suicide
Welcome Reception
What's All the "GABA" About? Pregabalin and Gabapentin Abuse
What's Going On? Race, Class and Gender Issues in Pain Management
When Darkness Falls: Managing Pain in Fibromyalgia and Restless Leg Syndrome
When Night Falls: Restless Legs Syndrome
When Pain Is Not Sexy: Evaluation and Management of Sexual Pain in Females
When Sitting Hurts: Unraveling Pudendal Neuralgia
When That Shark Bites: Classic Central Pain Syndromes
Who Will Love this Child? Advocating for Chronic Pain Patients
Who's On First? Psychiatric and Neurologic Management of Migraine
Winning the Game of Groans: Strategies and Tactics for Preserving the Pain Practitioner's Decision to Prescribe Controlled Medication
Within You, Without You: Virtual Reality for Pain Management
Women's Health
Year of the Locusts: The Impact of the CDC Guidelines on Practitioners and Patients
You're Using WHAT for Pain Management? Psilocybin, Ecstasy and Ketamine