No Kidding Around: Pediatric Trauma Care
With over 30.5 million infections and 500,000 deaths in the United States alone, and 129 million infections and 2.8 million deaths worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has left a trail of death and destruction in its wake. Thankfully, due to innovation, public health efforts, and rapid vaccine distribution, we are headed for a return to normalcyÉ or are we? There are increasing reports of Òlong haulÓ post COVID-19 syndromes, delayed treatment of chronic painful diseases, and lack of access to routine mental health, chronic pain, and substance abuse treatment. COVID-19 will have effects on the focus, access, and delivery of chronic pain care well past 2021. This course summarizes the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on chronic pain care, including the introduction of new painful diseases, routine use of telemedicine, challenges with access to preventive and/or specialty care, and the decrease in public health resources solely focused on the opioid epidemic. Lastly, we will discuss how we as health professionals can prepare for the challenges presented in a post COVID-19 world.