Man on Fire Syndrome: Diagnosis and TreamenErythromelagia
Managing Pain Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Getting the Tough Jobs Done in Serious Illness
Measure for Measure: Prescribing Guidelines, Rules, and Regulations
Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Osteoarthritis Pain: Past, Present, and Future
Overdose! Legal Risk Mitigation and Response
Pain Therapeutics
Pelvis Gone Wild: A Sordid Tale of Musculoskeletal Dysfunction
Physical Therapy
Reefer Madness: Taking the Insanity Out of Medical Cannabinoids
Snoring, Clicking, and Myofascial Pain
The Green-Eyed Martian: Do Healthcare Disparities Exist in Pain Management?
The Medical Stasi: Is Urine Drug Testing Necessary?
The Octopus From Hell: Exploring 8 Extremities of Chronic Pain
The Painful Uterus and the Brain
The Regulatory Agency Will See You Now
The Story of O: A Molecule in Chains?
Walking the Tightrope: Pain, Addiction, and Suicide
Welcome Reception
When Pain Is Not Sexy: Evaluation and Management of Sexual Pain in Females
Winning the Game of Groans: Strategies and Tactics for Preserving the Pain Practitioner's Decision to Prescribe Controlled Medication
Within You, Without You: Virtual Reality for Pain Management